前往 The First-Timer's Travel Guide to Taipei, Taiwan - Will Fly for

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Hi there, I am interested to travel to Taiwan on end of July in this year, may i know is it good time to visit Taiwan? What are the things that i should not miss when i travel to Taiwan? Thanks.

Hi Vyan , My English teacher is going to Taiwan in this summer , too (she's in the US now) I suggest her to go to Green Island http://greenisland.yamaloo.com/info_0.htm and my friends will hang out with her . I will send you some pictures of the food that you shouldn't miss ^^

Hi Vyan , My English teacher is going to Taiwan in this summer , too (she's in the US now) I suggest her to go to Green Island http://greenisland.yamaloo.com/info_0.htm and my friends will hang out with her . I will send you some pictures of the food that you shouldn't miss ^^ Hi Sunny, Thanks for your information. Do you know which island in Taiwan provide a nice diving activity? because if i have time, i hope i can dive in Taiwan island... hehehe Thanks.

Dear Vyan, 任何時間都是到台灣旅行的好時間,請問您打算到台灣來旅遊多久的時間,是否已經有預定的行程要去哪些地點,多告訴我們一些資訊吧... 以下這個連結是台灣觀光局的連結 可以在這邊找到一些旅遊資訊哦! 其餘不足的灣歡迎發問 http://www.taiwan.net.tw/lan/cht/index/index.asp 目前台灣非常盛行潛水,尤其是在台北縣北海岸地區.宜蘭.花蓮.台東.當然包括綠島在內都是適合潛水的... Welcom to Taiwan...

many people dive in Green Island the Green Island has this plan , too http://greenisland.yamaloo.com/info_1.htm for snorkeling is NT1800 and for diving is NT3000 and this one is more professional also if you go to Green Island , don't miss the hot spring under the sea It's really famous there ,and there are only 3 places in the world , one is in green Island , one is in Italian , and other one I don't remember well , I think you sould buy a book , that tells you where you should go and what you should eat blah blah blah you do speak chinese so that's not hard to travel in taiwan , and also you will see english in everwhere , it's pretty easy for you traveling in taiwan and and and you also can take bus or train to the south or west they are cool , too hope you'll have a lot of fun in taiwan , its a wonderful place and its super convenient , you'll LOVE it , and don't wanna go back to malaysia ^^

by the way you don't have to worry about how you gonna pay the expenses (cuz it says you have to pay first) in my teacher's case , I call them , and they said its fine just pay them when they get there you can e-mail them ^^

My English is not good,please don't care. :-) Taiwan is hot in summer. And often have typhoon in summer. How long do you stay in Taiwan? Green Island is a good place to dive. You can go to Green Island by boat or airplane in Taitung. You can go to Taitung by train(about 5 hours) or airplane(about 50 minutes). I think take airplane is the most convenient,but more expensive than train. After you arrive C.K.S airport,you should take bus or taxi to Songshan airport take airplane to Taitung. And take plan to Green Island. P.S C.K.S airport is national airport. No airplane can take to Green Island from Taipei (Songshan airport ) I hope you can understand my English :-) Have a nice travel!

Dear Vyan, 任何時間都是到台灣旅行的好時間,請問您打算到台灣來旅遊多久的時間,是否已經有預定的行程要去哪些地點,多告訴我們一些資訊吧... 以下這個連結是台灣觀光局的連結 可以在這邊找到一些旅遊資訊哦! 其餘不足的灣歡迎發問 http://www.taiwan.net.tw/lan/cht/index/index.asp 目前台灣非常盛行潛水,尤其是在台北縣北海岸地區.宜蘭.花蓮.台東.當然包括綠島在內都是適合潛水的... Welcom to Taiwan... Hi Elmo, Thanks for share with me the Taiwan Tourism website link. I am planning to come over on 24 of July and go back Malaysia on 30th of July. It is only a short trip. Actually , i don't have exactly plan yet but i definetely like to try Taiwan food and Taiwan special activities which i should not miss. Maybe you can tell me what food i should try and what kind of activity i should do when i travel to Taiwan.

many people dive in Green Island the Green Island has this plan , too http://greenisland.yamaloo.com/info_1.htm for snorkeling is NT1800 and for diving is NT3000 and this one is more professional also if you go to Green Island , don't miss the hot spring under the sea It's really famous there ,and there are only 3 places in the world , one is in green Island , one is in Italian , and other one I don't remember well , I think you sould buy a book , that tells you where you should go and what you should eat blah blah blah you do speak chinese so that's not hard to travel in taiwan , and also you will see english in everwhere , it's pretty easy for you traveling in taiwan and and and you also can take bus or train to the south or west they are cool , too hope you'll have a lot of fun in taiwan , its a wonderful place and its super convenient , you'll LOVE it , and don't wanna go back to malaysia ^^ Hi Sunny, Thanks for your information. I already bought a travel book and now just do the travel planning. I would like to go Green Island to dive as you said it is so special. Thanks.

My English is not good,please don't care. :-) Taiwan is hot in summer. And often have typhoon in summer. How long do you stay in Taiwan? Green Island is a good place to dive. You can go to Green Island by boat or airplane in Taitung. You can go to Taitung by train(about 5 hours) or airplane(about 50 minutes). I think take airplane is the most convenient,but more expensive than train. After you arrive C.K.S airport,you should take bus or taxi to Songshan airport take airplane to Taitung. And take plan to Green Island. P.S C.K.S airport is national airport. No airplane can take to Green Island from Taipei (Songshan airport ) I hope you can understand my English :-) Have a nice travel! Hi there, You english is very good and thanks for the information that you shared with me and it is very useful. By the way, are you a diver also? If yes, maybe you can join me for the diving trip.hehe...

Ha...I can't dive. I just can eat. Haha...Have a nice trip !

Hi, 這是我的大概行程, 請各位幫我看看行程, 希望大家能給意見.謝謝. Day 1 (15/7/06) Saturday (Afternoon 機)KLIA –台北中正機場–士林夜市 –台東富崗 (take midnight bus) (sleep inside the bus or train) Day 2 (16/7/06) Sunday 綠島(由台東富崗搭乘凱旋客輪.天王星客輪, 航程皆需50分鐘左右) 開航時間: 07:00 綠島潛水活動 (岸潛1支,船潛2支) 探訪綠島各處人文風情 Day 3 (17/7/06) Monday 綠島潛水活動 (岸潛1支,船潛2支) 綠島←→九族文化村 – stay one night at九族文化村 – 探訪各處人文風情 Day 4 (18/7/06) Tuesday 九族文化村- Nan Tou-探訪各處人文風情 Day 5 (19/7/06) Wednesday 永康街(鼎泰豐)- 國父紀念館 - 中正紀念堂- 西門町-台北101大樓 - 五分埔 - 誠品信義店- 華納影城 -士林夜市 Day 6 (20/7/06) Thursday北投溫泉 基隆 - 野柳 - 陽明山 - 新北投站 (地熱谷, 溫泉博物館, 新北投公園, 泡湯)- 華西街夜市 Day 7 (21/7/06) Friday 紅樓劇場 – 總統府 – 228和平公園 - 西門町/台北火車站附近閒逛 - 中正機場 –馬來西亞(evening 起飛)

Hi , 我想請問以下問題﹕ 交通問題 1)如何從台北去台東富崗船頭﹖車資多少﹖ 2) 如何 從南投 (九族文化村) 去 台北﹖車資多少﹖ 3) 先去綠島還是九族文化村比較順路﹖ 綠島住宿問題 1) 有那旅宿出租便宜及干淨﹖ 綠島潛水問題 1) 有那間潛水center 提供 綠島潛水活動﹖ 2) 價錢如何﹖ 食物問題 1) 有那種食物不能錯過﹖ 2) 那里有好吃 又特別的食物﹖ 錄影節目 1) 要如何報名參加錄影節目﹖ 像“我猜﹐我猜﹐我猜猜猜” 台北住宿問題 1) 有人住過“Fortuna hostel " ﹖住宿環境如何﹖

從台北搭夜車莒光號10:55到台東06;05,車資616元,該車次很紅火,要預訂。 台東新站到富岡漁港因公車鼎東客運班次不多,且下車還要走一段路,一般是搭計程車300元,可找人共乘。 富岡到綠島船資400元,時程約1小時,售船票處或計程車司機會推銷套裝行程。 台鐵訂票系統http://railway.hinet.net/ 台東離島海岸船班查詢http://www.hlhb.gov.tw/ttu04.Asp 船遊網http://www.ezboat.com.tw/ 綠島萬帥旅遊http://home.kimo.com.tw/greenland67/ 註:趕搭08:30船班 鼎東客運--台東新站06:20至台東總站未搭到,下班次07:10來不及,車程15分鐘,台東總站07:00往靜埔,至富崗站車程15分鐘,下車走進去枷藍港15分鐘),車資$20。 http://myweb.hinet.net/home1/diingdong/page-4.htm 台東新站/富崗(20分鐘) 台東新站/台東總站(15分鐘) (台東總站、鐵花路、中華路、新生路、中山路、更生路、變電所、縣議會、蔡外科、加油站、高工、馬蘭榮家、招呼站、卑南入口、進德、大橋前、大橋頭、大橋營口、招呼站、下農場、利吉入口、石山入口、招呼站、海堡、海濱路、富岡) 台東總站/富崗(經中華大橋,15分鐘) (台東總站、鐵花路、中華路、新生路、中山路、四維路、中華路、海堡、海濱路、富岡) 鼎東(新站/富岡$24,台東市區/新站/富岡$37,台東市區/富岡$20) http://myweb.hinet.net/home1/diingdong/page-5.htm 富岡漁港地圖http://www.527.idv.tw/star2/sa03.gif 國光日月潭線http://www.kingbus.com.tw/down2.php?li_code=1A020293 九族文化村交通指南http://www.nine.com.tw/info_02.htm


"我猜"節目都是學校單位報名,個人可能沒辦法。 噢﹗ 好可惜

從台北搭夜車莒光號10:55到台東06;05,車資616元,該車次很紅火,要預訂。 台東新站到富岡漁港因公車鼎東客運班次不多,且下車還要走一段路,一般是搭計程車300元,可找人共乘。 富岡到綠島船資400元,時程約1小時,售船票處或計程車司機會推銷套裝行程。 台鐵訂票系統http://railway.hinet.net/ 台東離島海岸船班查詢http://www.hlhb.gov.tw/ttu04.Asp 船遊網http://www.ezboat.com.tw/ 綠島萬帥旅遊http://home.kimo.com.tw/greenland67/ 註:趕搭08:30船班 鼎東客運--台東新站06:20至台東總站未搭到,下班次07:10來不及,車程15分鐘,台東總站07:00往靜埔,至富崗站車程15分鐘,下車走進去枷藍港15分鐘),車資$20。 http://myweb.hinet.net/home1/diingdong/page-4.htm 台東新站/富崗(20分鐘) 台東新站/台東總站(15分鐘) (台東總站、鐵花路、中華路、新生路、中山路、更生路、變電所、縣議會、蔡外科、加油站、高工、馬蘭榮家、招呼站、卑南入口、進德、大橋前、大橋頭、大橋營口、招呼站、下農場、利吉入口、石山入口、招呼站、海堡、海濱路、富岡) 台東總站/富崗(經中華大橋,15分鐘) (台東總站、鐵花路、中華路、新生路、中山路、四維路、中華路、海堡、海濱路、富岡) 鼎東(新站/富岡$24,台東市區/新站/富岡$37,台東市區/富岡$20) http://myweb.hinet.net/home1/diingdong/page-5.htm 富岡漁港地圖http://www.527.idv.tw/star2/sa03.gif 國光日月潭線http://www.kingbus.com.tw/down2.php?li_code=1A020293 九族文化村交通指南http://www.nine.com.tw/info_02.htm 謝謝您的交通information. Thanks.

((英文!?中文!?參雜!?*_*)) ((英文不強!!國文造詣不佳!!~~唉~~>_<))~~~JUST KIDDING!! 小小拙見~~~ 吃的部份 1)個人認為其實台灣最道地的東西應該是路邊攤或夜市~~ 即使是五星級的饗宴雖然很棒~~但我總絕得少了一股台灣的鄉土味~~ 所以士林夜市應該就有很多東西可以嘗試了~~ 必吃不可~~~((大家多建議囉)) 我覺得肉燥飯~臭豆腐~蚵仔煎~泡泡冰~大腸麵線~藥燉排骨((想不出來了!!)) 行的部分 1)哇~~綠島和九族是在中央山脈同一各緯度的東西兩側~如果是坐車的話~ 應該是走中橫((望各位大大指正))~而且會坐相當久喔~~ 2)從南投到台北的話~其實有很多選擇~ 最不用動腦筋的話~是坐國光客運http://www.kingbus.com.tw/down2.php?li_code=2F170054 或統聯客運http://www.ubus.com.tw/onlineservice/lineserach.ASP 直接從南投坐到台北~((票價及發車時間都有)) 要不就是坐火車到台中~再轉他其他客運~是比較痲煩的~~ 住的部份 1)幫您查詢了一下~Fortuna hostel~他是一個屬於外國人的旅館~波吉大 大曾在下列這個網頁LIST過~我想會出現在本站的~基本上應該都不會失 水準的 https://www.backpackers.com.tw/forum/viewtopic.php?t=8575 行程部份 1)台北101大樓-誠品信義店- 華納影城再同一個地方~所以五分舖就要擺前 囉~ 2)這是綠島蘭嶼的旅遊服務中心~您參考看看 http://www.281602.apu.idv.tw/p_2.htm 希望能幫的上您的忙~~~ My English isn't good. Forgive me. have a nice trip in Taiwan.

若您Day 2, Day 3有任何原因無法去綠島的話, 跟我聯絡, 我帶你去台灣東北角的龍洞去潛水. 記得要帶C-Card喔.

Hi, According to your itinerary, you're going to miss the eatern and southern part of Taiwan in this trip. That's a pity! I hope you can stay longer in your next trip. Have a great time!

你好: 關於"我猜"節目參觀,個人是可以報名的~ 參觀錄影需先向節目製作單位電話預約,電話02-2781-3888~ 之前有馬來西亞的朋友來時,也有去參觀"我猜"錄影(Y)

Hi, 這是我的大概行程, 請各位幫我看看行程, 希望大家能給意見.謝謝. Day 1 (15/7/06) Saturday (Afternoon 機)KLIA –台北中正機場–士林夜市 –台東富崗 (take midnight bus) (sleep inside the bus or train) Day 2 (16/7/06) Sunday 綠島(由台東富崗搭乘凱旋客輪.天王星客輪, 航程皆需50分鐘左右) 開航時間: 07:00 綠島潛水活動 (岸潛1支,船潛2支) 探訪綠島各處人文風情 Day 3 (17/7/06) Monday 綠島潛水活動 (岸潛1支,船潛2支) 綠島←→九族文化村 – stay one night at九族文化村 – 探訪各處人文風情 Day 4 (18/7/06) Tuesday 九族文化村- Nan Tou-探訪各處人文風情 Day 5 (19/7/06) Wednesday 永康街(鼎泰豐)- 國父紀念館 - 中正紀念堂- 西門町-台北101大樓 - 五分埔 - 誠品信義店- 華納影城 -士林夜市 Day 6 (20/7/06) Thursday北投溫泉 基隆 - 野柳 - 陽明山 - 新北投站 (地熱谷, 溫泉博物館, 新北投公園, 泡湯)- 華西街夜市 Day 7 (21/7/06) Friday 紅樓劇場 – 總統府 – 228和平公園 - 西門町/台北火車站附近閒逛 - 中正機場 –馬來西亞(evening 起飛) Strong recommand you to give up 九族文化村 It would take you much time to visit there However, You can leave for 花蓮 in D3 & D4 Actually, you can see Taiwaness native culture in 台東 & 花蓮, too

查詢到 我猜的資料 http://www.wretch.cc/blog/guess3 +886-2-2781-3888 個人也可以參加 中國電視公司地址:臺北市南港區重陽路118號 交通方式: MRT昆陽站 轉搭藍22 or 551 公車 中國電視公司下車 or 步行約1Km http://maps.google.com.tw/