小弟第一次背包旅行,篇排14天(12/8-25/8)台湾行程如下, 希望各位大大给一点意见. 我比较耽心住宿问题, 应无法在网上预订民宿(无法给定金). 如去到当地才找住宿, 会有问题吗? 8月是旅游旺季吗? 谢谢. 1st Day (12 Aug, Tuesday): Singapore Taipei Airport 日月潭 - Take flight from Singapore Change Airport to Taipei Airport. (8:35 – 13.15) - Take 高鐵 from 桃園 to 台中乌日站 (~ 14:10 – 15:04, duration: 1 hrs) - From台中乌日站, 轉搭乘客運至日月潭 (16:00 – 18:35, duration: 2hrs 35mins) - Over night at 日月潭 - Accommodation: 漁村民宿 2nd Day (13 Aug, Wednesday) 日月潭 - Cycling around. - Accommodation: 漁村民宿 3rd Day (14 Aug, Thursday) 日月潭阿里山 - From日月潭-台中站 (7:25-9:35, duration: 2 hrs) - Take train from台中站-嘉義 (10:15-11:25, duration: 1 hrs 10 mins) - Take train from嘉義-阿里山森林遊樂區之「沼平車 站」 (13:30-17:03, duration: 3 hrs 30 mins) - Overnight at阿里山 - Accommodation: ??? 4th Day (15 Aug, Friday) 阿里山 - 至沼平車站搭乘「祝山觀日出班車」->到祝山觀日亭,觀賞絢麗燦爛的日出->沿祝山觀日步道下山,欣賞沿途的美景->沼平車站旁之「集 材機」和「台灣一葉蘭展示區」->姐妹潭->木蘭園->受鎮宮->香林橋->象鼻木、三代木->高山植物園- >慈雲寺->旌功碑樹靈塔->光武檜->巨木群棧道 起點->阿里山神木->土地公廟->阿里山工作站、阿里山賓館->搭乘下午13:40阿里山號列車->奮起湖。 - Accommodation: 奮起湖天主堂 5th Day (16 Aug, Saturday) 奮起湖高雄市 - 於奮起湖遊覽老街->明月窟->羅漢洞->大凍山森林步道,享受森林浴->搭乘14:35阿里山號列車下山->嘉義 - 阿里山號列車-嘉義 (14:35-17:35, duration: 2 hrs) -嘉義高雄市(16:30-19:45, duration: 1 hrs 15 mins) - Accommodation: 高雄202 - 六合觀光夜市 6th Day (17 Aug, Sunday) 高雄市墾丁 - Take 高雄客运from 高雄車站(~09:00-12:00, duration 3 hrs) - Accommodation: 南灣沙灘/夏威夷的豬哥 - Walk around sea side, eat & night star. 7th Day (18 Aug, Monday) 墾丁 - Rent motorbike to see around. - Accommodation: 南灣沙灘/夏威夷的豬哥 8th Day (19 Aug, Tuesday) 墾丁高雄 - Take the earliest bus to高雄 (08:00-11:00, duration 3hrs) - See around高雄city. - Accommodation: 高雄202 9th Day (20 Aug, Wednesday) 高雄花莲太魯閣 - Take earliest train from高雄花莲太魯閣 (07:50-12:23, duration 4 hrs 30 mins) - See around花莲town. - Accommodation: 花莲 10th Day (21 Aug, Thursday) 花莲太魯閣台北 - Accommodation: 台北 11th Day (22 Aug, Friday) 台北基隆 - Accommodation: 台北 12th Day (23 Aug, Saturday) 台北阳明山 - Accommodation: 台北 13th Day (24 Aug, Sunday) 台北 - Accommodation: 台北 14th Day (25 Aug, Monday) - 12:00 Flight back to Singapore
發布時間: 2008-06-20hello franki, im in singapore now and will go to tw this coming sept if not mistaken august is peak season for kenting (others not very sure). i thought they accept credit cards booking? coz im planning to book some of the hostels before the journey as those popular one always full if you request for immediately stay. im asking for accomodation and add info for alishan at my topic too. hope to share those travel info with you so we both have a peasant journey =)
我第二次背包旅行,9日到达台北,24日回马来西亚。 主要是参加了伊甸志工举办的单车环岛游(http://www.wretch.cc/blog/edenhouse/11070280),为期11天,12-22日,8月。在担心的问题,就是租借自行车,担心到了台湾,租不成,没得单车环岛,这些都是暂定计划。 觉得contradition_p的link,有很多有用的资料,在跟进着。https://www.backpackers.com.tw/forum/showthread.php?t=90250
如果网上无法预定的民宿,你可以试试和主人说你是国外来的有些他们会通融哟!当然我们一定要有信用,不要订了没去又没有提早通知。 我通常都是这样做,到目前为此还没有碰到订不到的问题。
Day 4 阿里山日出 →奮起湖→嘉義→XX 早上3點多起床,旅館會MORNING CALL,搭小火車看5:20的日出 在阿里山森林公園散步搭13:18阿里山小火車到奮起湖(14:35到) 在奮起湖老街逛一下(老街很小)搭16:50嘉義縣公車到嘉義市約18:30到, 可以坐火車去台南或高雄玩 既然已爬過阿里山,不建議你在走大凍山了,你可以將這天省下,去台南玩
Even though it is peak season in august for kenting, I suggest you to book hotel or hostel earlier(you don't wanna sleep on the road right?). Using credit card is convenient as you stay in TW, most of hotel accept it. Here I provide some websites to help you for booking hotels as follow: TW hotel booking centre(Mandarin): http://hotel.network.com.tw/ TW B&B website(Mandarin): http://minsu.taiwanking.com/ TW China Youth Corps(Mandarin): http://www.cyh.org.tw/ If you have any question or problem, don't hesitate to ask me. By the way, I will visit Singapore and Malaysia on August 2nd-10th, if you have every useful detail and advice......please let me know. hello franki, im in singapore now and will go to tw this coming sept if not mistaken august is peak season for kenting (others not very sure). i thought they accept credit cards booking? coz im planning to book some of the hostels before the journey as those popular one always full if you request for immediately stay. im asking for accomodation and add info for alishan at my topic too. hope to share those travel info with you so we both have a peasant journey =)
阿里山 沼平車站旁之「集 材機」和「台灣一葉蘭展示區」 你要去看一葉蘭嗎?現在看不到喔,現在不是季節。